Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Email Pop Ups - Different Types of Email Pop Ups and How They Can Help You

Have you ever noticed email pop ups before? If not, you are certainly very familiar with this type of advertising, which has been a standard marketing tool for a long time now. Emails popup are basically overlays that suddenly appear at the bottom of your screen, right when you are trying to load something up.

Email popup usually are small or larger depending on your purpose, and generally have an X at the top right corner so that visitors can easily get rid of them if they are not interested in what you have to offer. But what's interesting about this type of advertising is that you can put it right on top of your current website, and the visitor will not even know that it's an email. Now this is what makes email pop ups so useful - they can be used to attract new visitors to your site without actually having to market to them. Think about it like this: you've done everything you can to capture a visitor's name and email address, but the person still hasn't decided to buy from you. What do you do next? You simply need to put that person's email address on an eye-catching pop up ad, and then you're done!

Another great example of Pop ups websites that you can use to your advantage is a pop up that shows up next to a link to a sales page for either sports equipment or an auction. The idea behind these types of ads is to get as many visitors as possible to your website and hopefully entice them into either joining your subscriber list or making a purchase. What happens here is that the advertiser will include a headline and a few bullet points along with a link to their sales page. Then underneath that, they will include a small question mark that asks readers if they are interested in that particular product or service. Of course, you never want the question mark to ask "Are you interested?"

Once visitors click on the link, what happens is that you can start targeting that specific audience. If the person who just got served on that sports equipment auction is male, you might put the question mark next to the man's name and then begin to target that audience. Males are more apt to be sports oriented, so placing the question mark at the end of the email could get you a ton of male customers. Another great way to target this audience is to place the "Are you interested?" question at the very top of the email. This way, when people open the email, they will see the question and since they're already interested, it will prompt them to read the whole message.

One last way you can use pop ups websites to draw in new traffic and create different email lists is to use an exit-intent email capture popup. An exit intent email capture popup is where your customer has the option to leave your website immediately after they have clicked your link. The problem with this is that people who leave your site without clicking your link are not very likely to ever return. To remedy this, you can add a small graphic or text message at the very bottom of the email, right before the "click here" exit- Intent email pop up.

Email pop ups design have the ability to drive website visitors to your website. However, if you use these pop ups in ways that do not meet your business's goals and guidelines, you can actually hurt your credibility and your overall user experience. The bottom line is that all email pop ups need to be used with care and caution. Be sure you know exactly what your goals are for each email pop up and never go overboard. Take the time to make sure the Pop ups design addresses your needs.

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